June 2024 had an average temperature of 13.18 °C, making it the coldest June since 2015, which was paired with low rainfall across the country, according to the latest weather statement from Met Éireann.
The month was 0.33°C below the 1981-2010 long term average and the 56th coldest June in the 125 year dataset.
June 2023, in comparison, was the warmest June on record with an average temperature of around 16°C.
Deviations from mean air temperature ranged from -1.3 °C, which is 12.1 °C mean temperature, at Markree, Co Sligo to 0.1 °C, which is 13.6 °C mean temperature, at Phoenix Park, Co Dublin.
The first half of the month was dominated by a northerly airflow from the Arctic as Ireland sat in between a blocking high pressure system to the west, over the Atlantic, and low pressure to the northeast, over Scandinavia.
This kept temperatures and rainfall well below average. The wettest period of the month occurred between Thursday, June 13 and Saturday, 15 when Atlantic low pressure broke through.
Percentage of monthly rainfall values ranged from 43%, which is a monthly rainfall total of 35.1mm at Cork Airport, Co. Cork (its driest June since 2018) to 94%, which is a monthly rainfall total of 67.7mm at Finner, Co Donegal.
All monthly rainfall totals across the country were below their long term average.
The highest daily rainfall total was 23.1mm at Valentia Observatory, Co. Kerry on Thursday 13.
Met Éireann
Available sunshine totals were above average, with totals ranging from about 124 hours at Belmullet, Co Mayo to around 181 hours at Cork Airport, Co Cork.
There were no strong gales or storms reported during the month, with mean wind speeds ranging from 5.2 knots or 9.6 km/h at Ballyhaise, Co. Cavan to 14.5 knots or 26.9 km/h at Malin Head, Co Donegal.
Both the month’s highest gust and 10-minute mean wind speed were reported at Mace Head, Co. Galway on Thursday, 27.
The highest gust was 49 knots or 91 km/h, while the month’s highest 10-minute mean wind speed was 37 knots or 69 km/h.