Minister of State for farm safety Martin Heydon has urged farmers to be vigilant around their mental health and wellbeing.
Today (Monday, October 10) is World Mental Health Day, an opportunity to raise awareness about these issues.
Speaking over the weekend, Minister Heydon put special focus on farmers’ mental wellbeing.
“Poor mental health can have a serious impact on farmers’ quality of life. A farmer under stress is at greater risk of being involved in a farm safety incident and is more predisposed to other illnesses.
“Farmers unfortunately experience a disproportionate burden of health problems related to mental health and research has found that they are less likely than the general public to seek help for [these] difficulties,” he added.
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has a number of initiatives to improve farm safety and wellness among the farming community.
Minister Heydon commented: “I am pleased to have secured increased dedicated funding of €2.5 million for 2023 for farm safety, health and wellbeing.
“This will enable my department to continue to deliver new and existing initiatives including those that support farmers’ mental health and removing the barriers that can prevent farmers from seeking help.”
One of these initiatives is On Feirm Ground, a farmers’ health awareness programme to help farm advisors engage with their clients on the issue.
To mark today, Minister Heydon announced that the initiative is to be extended to other professionals working with farmers.
“The On Feirm Ground initiative has been very successful to date, training hundreds of advisors on how to support their farm clients when it comes to physical and mental wellbeing,” the minister added.
“We should never miss an opportunity when engaging with farmers to spot someone who may be showing signs of distress. That is why we plan to engage with other professionals coming in regular contact with farmers to expand this programme further.”
The department has also funded four farm safety European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) on mental wellbeing in the farming community.
The projects focus on addressing challenges around farm safety, health, and well-being with the aim of encouraging a change in behaviour.
Minister Heydon remarked: “I am asking farmers and everyone working with farmers to look out for each other and seek help and support if feeling overwhelmed or experiencing poor mental health.
As is the case with every health issue, the road to recovery to full health begins with seeking help.
“There are a number of organisations providing invaluable supports to farmers and non-farmers experiencing poor mental health and their confidential services should be availed of, if needed,” he added.