An independent TD has called on beef processors to end all legal proceedings against farmers from the Beef Plan Movement and the injunctions against the organisation itself.
Michael Fitzmaurice argued that the processors “cannot expect farmers or the Beef Plan Movement to come to the table on Monday [September 9] with their hands tied behind their backs due to court proceedings or the threat of court proceedings”.
The Roscommon-Galway TD commented that farmers “have persisted with their message in the face of extreme pressure, including High Court injunctions from the meat processors.
For too long meat processors have been able to bully farmers and dictate prices.
Fitzmaurice labelled the injunctions “a mistake”, and said it was “no way to conduct negotiations in a positive spirit”.
“It is utterly unacceptable, now that there is finally action at a Government level to deal with the issues in the industry, that the meat processors still want to have both the carrot and the stick when meeting on Monday by having the threat of court cases hanging over the people they will be sitting across from,” he argued.
He also criticised Minister Michael Creed for condoning this state of affairs as the talks begin.
I am amazed that the minister, in arranging talks between two groups, is willing to allow one of the groups hold court proceedings or the threat of court proceedings over the heads of the farmers.
“I have criss-crossed the country this week, and acknowledge the hard work that has been put in by all the parties in trying to bring about a resolution,” Fitzmaurice commented.
He concluded, though, that “now is the time for the main players to grow up, strike out the court case threats and come to these talks with farmers as equals to hammer out issues that threaten this generations way of life.”