We have now entered September, and with that, the closed period for chemical nitrogen (N) is fast approaching – meaning now is the time to spread the last of this year’s fertiliser.

Grass growth is expected to remain steady on farms for the coming week, as the good weather continues.

While ground conditions remain good in most parts of the country, you should get the last of your fertiliser spread before the closed period begins.

Autumn grass

Your chemical N and phosphorus (P) strategy is an important management factor that will affect the availability of grass this autumn.

Midnight, on September 14, is the deadline for the spreading of chemical N and P for the year – less than two weeks away.

You should walk your farm over the coming days and determine how much grass is currently available on the farm.

You should also identify paddocks on your farm that are likely to respond well to additional N application based on soil conditions and grass cover.

How much chemical N you spread will depend on several factors; stocking rate; average farm cover (AFC); grass growth rates; and how much N you are able to spread.

As we enter into autumn, soil temperatures will decrease. This will reduce the effectiveness of chemical N, so the final round of N should be applied as early as possible.


While the amount depends on these factors, for the majority of farms, 20kg of N/ha should be sufficient.

This rate can be reduced in fields that contain high amounts of clover, or fields that you are planning to spread dirty water or slurry on.

You should ensure that you do not exceed permitted levels for the year as this may result in penalties.

Along with boosting growth for the remainder of 2021, chemical N spread now will also help to provide grass for grazing in early spring 2022.