A final batch of farm plastic bring centre open days has been revealed by the Irish Farm Film Producers Group (IFFPG) for farmers to dispose of waste plastic.
The group said: “Here are our last few open days for 2019.” The events will run the usual times from 9:00am through to 5:00pm.
Today, Tuesday, August 6, there is an event in Portarlington, on the Laois/Offaly border at Gracefield GAA.
Tomorrow, a bring centre will be open in Belgooly GAA in Co. Cork; however, it was highlighted that there will be no collection sites in Minane Bridge or Ballinhassig this year.
On Thursday, a bring centre will open in Co. Kildare, in Kilcullen Mart, from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Finally, on Friday and Saturday next week, August 16 and 17, a centre will be hosted in Killarney, Co. Kerry – at Cronins Pit, Coolcaslagh.
As always, when taking half-ton fertiliser bags, liners must be removed and bagged separately, the IFFPG has reminded.
For those interested, further information can be obtained from the IFFPG at the group’s website here.