Knackeries across the country will resume services and be open for business this morning, Tuesday, March 3, the Animal Collectors’ Association (ACA) has confirmed.
A spokesperson for the knackery representative group confirmed the news to AgriLand this morning.
In a brief statement, the representative said:
Fallen animal collection services will resume this morning with knackeries open for usual deliveries and collections.
The news follows an emergency meeting held between the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the knackery representative group yesterday afternoon from 2:00pm in department offices.
The meeting took place following the halt of animal collection services last Wednesday, followed by an outright full closure of knackeries the following day on Thursday.
A number of farm organisations called on both sides to come to a resolution to avoid farmers taking a hit in the middle.
Ahead of the talks, the ACA had called on the department to “act urgently”, pointing to the added stresses on the farming sector at present, such as flooding around the country
Prior to today’s announcement, the department advised farmers that animal carcasses awaiting collection should be stored on farm “in a way that domestic animals, farmed livestock and wild animals/birds cannot gain access to them”.
“These should be held securely under a protective cover, such as a tarpaulin or in an enclosed building,” the department’s statement concluded.