Bigger numbers (650 head) were on offer at Kilkenny Mart on Thursday last, June 27, and according to the mart’s auctioneer – George Candler – there was a solid trade.
He noted that cull cow prices remained steady and heavier heifer lots sold to €1,100/head, while bullock prices peaked at €1,500/head.
Commenting on the trade, he said: “It was steady, even allowing for the suggestion that factories are contemplating reducing quotes next week.”
Looking at heifer prices first, beef lots sold for €1.80-2.10/kg or €950-1,150/head; forward store lots made €1.90-2.25/kg or €850-1,050/head and lighter heifer lots peaked at €2.85/kg and sold for €450-900/head.
- Belgian Blue: 580kg – €1,100 or €1.90/kg;
- Limousin: 520kg – €1,060 or €2.04/kg;
- Limousin: 505kg – €1,040 or €2.06/kg;
- Charolais: 475kg – €1,030 or €2.17/kg;
- Aberdeen Angus: 460kg – €930 or €2.02/kg;
- Charolais: 450kg – €995 or €2.21/kg;
- Limousin: 385kg – €890 or €2.31/kg;
- Charolais: 375kg – €900 or €2.40/kg.
Larger numbers were on offer in the bullock ring and lots weighing over 600kg sold for €1.70-2.30/kg or €1,000-1,500/head and lots weighing 500-600kg made €1.60-2.55/kg or €780-1,320/head.
In addition, 400-500kg steers sold for €1.60-2.60/kg or €650-1,190/head and lighter lots made €1.40-2.85/kg or €500-990/head.
- Charolais: 705kg – €1,490 or €2.11/kg;
- Belgian Blue: 605kg – €1,210 or €2.00/kg;
- Charolais: 555kg – €1,330 or €2.40/kg;
- Limousin: 515kg – €1,310 or €2.54/kg;
- Charolais: 490kg – €1,190 or €2.43/kg;
- Hereford: 405kg – €865 or €2.14/kg;
- Charolais: 380kg – €970 or €2.55/kg;
- Friesian: 355kg – €680 or €1.92/kg.
In the cull cow ring, Friesian lots sold at €1.00-1.65/kg and continental lots made €1.20-2.00/kg.