Cattle quotes remain in a good position this week, but despite much optimism among farmers of another factory price rise of 5c/kg, it seems quotes are opening this week at the same levels as last week.
Despite this, many farmers are now seeking a flat price before agreeing to send cattle to the factory this week in a bid to squeeze as much from the market on price as they possibly can – and with the rate input costs are rising, it will all be needed.
It’s also worth nothing that a number of farmers have contacted Agriland outlining that many of their cattle recently sent for processing have not graded as well as they had anticipated.
Angus cattle remain the strongest players in the cattle trade this week, as has been the case for most of this year, with a breed bonus of 20c/kg (and more in some cases) being paid to farmers for in-spec Angus heifers and steers.
The bonus leaves an in-spec Angus heifer with a carcass weight of 350kg and a grade of R+3+ sold at a grid price of €4.30/kg coming into €4.76/kg.
A continental heifer of the same carcass weight and specification would come into €4.56/kg; however, the better-type continental heifer has its advantages in that it can put on more weight and score a higher carcass grade also.
Factory quotes
Starting with heifers and €4.30/kg on the grid seems to be the general run again this week, with one processor in the northwest quoting €4.35/kg on the grid along with a 10c/kg bonus for in-spec animals with a carcass weight of between 300-400kg.
Some processors are citing a price of €4.25/kg on the grid for heifers but are likely having to pay more to secure any significant numbers.
Next up is steers and €4.25/kg on the grid is the general run here this week, with the same Donegal-based processor putting forward a quote of €4.30/kg for steers and the same 10c/kg carcass weight bonus available across all categories.
Again, some processors are putting forward shyer quotes of €4.20/kg for bullocks but are finding it more challenging to secure any significant numbers of cattle.
Looking at cows and good, well fleshed, U-grading cows are comfortably securing over €4.00/kg from the many processors keen for cows this week.
Plainer cows in their respective grades are securing €3.85, €3.65 and €3.55/kg for R, O and P-grade cows respectively, with up to 10c/kg more available for well fleshed, better-type cows in their respective grades.
A large amount of P-grade cows which are short on flesh are appearing in factory lairages straight from the parlor presently so processors are keen to secure bunches of well fleshed, better-type cows when they come across them.
Looking at under-24 month bulls, and U-grade bulls are being quoted at a flat-price of €4.30/kg.
€4.20, €4.00 and €3.90/kg is on offer for ‘middle of the road’ R, O and P-grade bulls respectively, with more money to be secured for better-type bulls in their respective grades.
Finally, under-16 month bulls are generally quoted at €4.20/kg on the grid, with more money available in some cases.