We’reĀ unlikely to see dairy prices back near the record 2013 levels over the next few years, according to ASB Bank in New Zealand.
2015 has been a year of weak dairy prices, with oversupply the dominantĀ theme, it states.
Heading into 2016, it expects the oversupply of key dairy products to correct.
And as a result, ASB expects prices to lift back to around long-runĀ average levels over 2016 and on this basis, the bank is sticking with its $4.60/kg andĀ $6.50/kg milk price forecasts for 2015/16 and 2016/17, respectively.
Whole milk powder (WMP) auctionĀ prices over 2015 have been 27% below the average levelĀ since the dairy auctions began, ASB states.
LookingĀ back to the 2014/15 season, the bank said that production finished around 4% higher on topĀ of the massive 10% lift the season prior.
Currently, New Zealand production is weak and ASB expects it to weaken further in the second halfĀ of the season.
But at the same time, demand is likely to remain sluggish at least in earlyĀ 2016, according to the bank.
The Chinese economy is transitioning to lower (albeit moreĀ sustainable) growth and other dairy-importing economies are also feelingĀ the pinch.
ASB expects that soft demand will keep a lid on overall price rises.