Applications for the Cooley Flood Damage Relief Measure have been received by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM).

The measure was implemented in response to the damage caused to agricultural area as a result of flooding the Cooley Peninsula between October 29 and November 4, 2023.

Applications to the measure ended just under two weeks ago on July 31, 2024.

69 applications were received under the Cooley Flood Damage Relief Measure.

The measure is only open to applicants with agricultural lands in the Cooley Peninsula,
which were impacted by flooding in the specified period.

Financial aid will only be paid in instances where genuine financial loss has been incurred
by an applicant in relation to:

  • Clean-up and restoration of damaged agricultural lands;
  • Loss/damage of stored fodder and fertiliser;
  • Repairs to damaged fencing and gateways.

No aid will be payable in respect of applications where the total claim is less than €100. The maximum payment will be €30,000.

The DAFM have stated that all such losses must “clearly and demonstrably have arisen as a direct consequence of the flooding” between October 29 and November 4, 2023.

Where financial aid is received in respect of repairs to fencing/gateways, that length of fencing will not be eligible for similar support under any other DAFM capital investment scheme for a period of five years from the date of payment of aid.

All applications may be subject to on-farm verification by the DAFM. This verification will include an assessment of the details of losses caused by flooding outlined on this application form.

The details provided on this form will also be subject to verification via administrative checks by the DAFM (for example, in relation to animal records).

The calculation of financial aid due under any of the claimed headings will be based on the department’s standard costing data, including replacement fodder costs and aid in excess of the standard cost ceilings will not be approved.

In the event of eligible applications in excess of the total budget available for the scheme being received, the DAFM will reserve the right to implement reduced payments as appropriate.