In this year’s second Winter Wheat Crops Watch instalment in association with Terrachem, Dr. Robert Beattie discusses the current situation in winter wheat and the use of INATREQ in winter wheat for the coming season.

INATREQ, as it is widely known, is the chemical fenpicoxamid, from the family picolinamides.

Simply put, Inatreq comes from an entirely new chemical family for cereal fungicides, with no known cross-resistance between it and any other chemical family currently in use in Irish cereal growing today. 

In the video below, Robert mentions that winter wheat crops across the country show significant levels of septoria tritici following the recent high levels of rainfall.

In most cases, winter wheat crops have received their leaf 3 fungicide application (T1 timing). However, a combination of late sowing dates and difficult spraying conditions have led to some crops yet to receive this timing.

In these situations, it is advised to use INATREQ in any of its three brand names Aquino, Peacoq and Questar, at the full rate of 2.0L/ha as curativity and persistent control of septoria will be required. 

Water quality

In recent times there has been an increased focus on water quality and keeping pesticides out of water. When using INATREQ it is advised to use drift reducing nozzles.

In the video (above), Robert details that when using INATREQ with the appropriate drift reducing nozzle, the aquatic buffer zone of the three above-mentioned brand names is 3m at 100% rate and 2m at 75% rate.

There is a fear when using these drift reducing nozzles that the coverage on the chemical leaf may be compromised. This is not the case when using Inatreq as it is combined with iQ-4, a patient formulation technology from Corteva.

The product has been rigorously tested with low water volumes at high forward speeds using drift reducing nozzles with near 100% coverage of the target leaf achieved, getting the product where it is needed most.

This ensures maximum disease control and return on investment for the grower.

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