Be sure to look after yourself this spring as well as the farm
The next three months will be an extremely busy time on many farms across the country.
From calving to lambing to tillage farmers trying to get field work done farmers nationwide will be under intense pressure.
Make sure to look after yourself and those working on your farm during this busy time.
Teagasc has compiled a great list of top tips farmers can focus on to look after themselves:Eat well – plenty of fruit and vegetables – and drink plenty of water;
1. Eat well – plenty of fruit and vegetables – and drink plenty of water
2.Try to ensure that you get a good night’s sleep as rest is important to ‘recharge the batteries
3.Make time to keep in touch with other farmers and friends
4.Taking time to do something different, even for a short time, can help to reenergise you
5.Focus on the things that you can control and do something about, and try to accept that there are certain things that you cannot change
6.Where possible, share the workload, as other family members may be able to help
7.Have you considered getting some additional outside help during the busiest period?
8.Caring for yourself is the most important thing that you can do, but can often be overlooked
9.Above all, if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, talk to somebody else about your troubles – there are plenty of individuals who can help
10.Finally, the risk of farm accidents increases at this time, so plan ahead to try to reduce the chances of accidents occurring