Last weekend (August 8, 2015) a Classic Silage Field Day took place in Co. Cork and John Murphy from Co. Kerry caught the event on camera.
The Kerryman, who now lives in Co. Limerick, saw the event on Donedeal so he and his brother decided to go out to it.
A collection of classic harvesters and various other classic machinery took to the fields in Scart, Ballinahassig, Co. Cork to cut silage.
Several Vintage Tractor Clubs took part in the event also he said.
The video shows a collection of pictures from the day with many different brands of machinery and harvesters.
Deutz, Ford and a Hesston Field Queen 7655 all make appearances in the video.
Murphy said that there was smaller crowds than expected because people were unsure about the weather and wether transporting the equipment would damage it.
However, the event was free for all to view and to participate in and there was free parking on the day.
The field day took place on approximately 17 acres of land in Ballinahassig.
Murphy, has a YouTube page where he posts videos and videography is a hobby for him. Marty Mone and Hit the Diff is the soundtrack on the video.