A dentist from a farming background has said understanding the importance of nutrients in food is “key” to proactive dental healthcare.

Dr. Alastair Woods, who runs Deansgrange Dental in Co. Dublin alongside his wife Dr. Noelle McCourt, is celebrating 10 years of their practice this week.

Dr. Woods, who is a beef and tillage farmer’s son from Athboy, Co. Meath, said that “a nutritious balanced diet is a key component of good health and a key component of a healthy dentition (healthy teeth and gums)”.

He explained that he believes in engaging patients and children in important messages around food nutrients and proactive dental healthcare.

“Understanding the importance of nutrients in our food for proactive dental healthcare and proactive human healthcare is key,” Dr. Woods said.

In childhood years, Dr. Woods explained that a diet with the recommended daily intake of calcium and other important nutrients, will promote the development of strong teeth and bones in children.

“The consumption of milk and dairy products has long been associated with the development of a healthy dentition,” Dr. Woods added.

Deansgrange Dental, which currently employs a team of 18 people, was one of the major partners that supported the delivery of ‘Irish Food, From A-Z’, a science-based and curriculum-linked educational resource that was provided to every primary school in Ireland.

This illustrated book, written by Dr. Vanessa Woods is presented in a way that is accessible and engaging for children and it covers a wide range of topics such as food nutrients, sustainability, the importance of a balanced diet, and dental health. 

“The importance of essential food nutrients such as calcium, minerals and vitamins from natural and wholesome food cannot be communicated enough and this is a growing area of interest for our team in Deansgrange Dental,” Dr. Woods said.