More than 8,000 farmers are currently using APHIS Online, a figure which should rise following the planned upcoming training events, according to Northern Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).
Almost 350,000 calves are notified online every year using the department’s online support system.
For farmers interested in availing of this online resource, there will be a number of APHIS Online training events running between September and April at venues all over Northern Ireland.
The training will take place over two evenings, with each session lasting two hours. Participants will get the opportunity to work through a number of exercises on the APHIS Online training system.
Everybody attending will be registered to use DAERA online services, so farmers can access their own data upon completing training.
Only basic IT skills are required to use APHIS Online, DAERA says, noting that “if you can turn on your computer and open a web page, you have all the skills needed to notify your births, deaths and movements online”.
Events will be taking place on the CAFRE (College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise) Greenmount, Loughry and Enniskillen campuses, as well as in Ballynahinch, Co. Down.
For those interested in applying for a place in training, further information and application options are available on DAERA’s website.