The trade for breeding stock – especially ewes and hoggets – has improved at marts in recent days. According to a number of mart managers, an increase in demand has helped prices.

Generally speaking, hoggets have traded best and a top price of €212/head was achieved earlier this week.

Tullow Mart

The Tullow Sheep Breeders Association hosted its third show and sale on Wednesday of this week. A steady trade was reported and quality was the main driver of price.

Suffolk cross ewe lambs sold well; quality lots made €115-130/head and the well-presented ewe lambs sold for up to €155.

However, lighter ewe lambs met an easier trade than the two previous sales; these lots traded from a base price of €90/head.

In addition, a number of Cheviot ewe lambs were also on offer. The best of these made €115-130; lighter types sold for €80 and up.


Cheviot hoggets met strong demand and traded at €170-185, while ewes with full mounts fetched €120. A top price of €148 was paid for a pen of three and four-year-old ewes.

The Suffolk and Cheviot cross hogget trade was also lively and the majority of these lots sold for €165-175.

In addition, Lleyn ewe lambs sold for €80-105, hoggets made €110-145 and aged ewes traded at €100-120.

Raphoe Mart

Raphoe Mart in Co. Donegal held a special breeding sale on Wednesday last. Anne Harkin, the mart manager, said the sale featured a good entry of sheep and top-quality lots made the strongest prices.

Good-quality hoggets, she said, traded at €150-188, while prices of €110-145 were achieved for lighter types.

In addition, older breeding ewes sold at €100-146. However, Harkin added, sheep of poorer quality proved unpopular and met a difficult trade.

Roscommon Mart

There was a smaller number of sheep on offer at the breeding sale held in Roscommon Mart on Saturday, September 9.

On the day, quality hoggets generated the highest price. Trading started at €125 and quality lots made up to €212.

The trade for breeding ewes was slightly less, with two-year-old ewes fetching between €126-170. Older ewes made €114-147.