Greening and crop profitability are the hot topics concerning arable growers at present according to Teagasc’s latest tillage update.

It stresses that all growers and advisors should familiarise themselves with greening rules and complete budgets before drilling crops this autumn.

The Single Farm Payment (SFP) payment will be replaced in Jan 2015 by be two distinct payments: the Basic Payment Scheme (approx. 70% of the total payment) and Greening (approx. 30% of the total payment). Both of these schemes are mandatory to ensure full payment.

Teagasc says latest reports suggest drilling of winter cereals is well underway with up to 75% of winter barley drilled to date and good progress being made on wheat. Initial seed estimates suggest that the area of winter barley will rise with oats and wheat staying similar to 2014 levels.

It highlights that BYDV is potentially a larger threat than usual this autumn. This is due to the warm summer and the confirmed presence of the Kdr gene in Grain Aphids.

Winter oilseed rape ranges from 2-6 true leaves, depending on drilling date. Moisture has been the main limiting factor on early growth with very few reports of pest attacks.

Crop Margins

Teagasc latest tillage update also included 2015 Provisional cereal crop margins for 2015 and it is likely to make for tough reading for growers with margins on a downward trajectory due to bumper harvests worldwide. Click below for 2015 Provisional CEREAL CROP MARGINS:

Provis crop margins 2015


Provisional crop margins for tillage crops are available from local Teagasc tillage advisors. All growers are advised to complete crop margins before committing land to crops this autumn. A crop budget calculator is available from