If carried out correctly, once-a-day (OAD) feeding of milk replacer is a practice that can greatly reduce the labour required during the rearing period.
James Dunne, a dairy specialist with Teagasc stated: “Numerous research trials conducted by Teagasc have shown a 25% to 36% reduction in the labour input required for OAD compared to TAD (twice-a-day) milk feeding systems.
Milk replacer can be fed OAD with no differences in weight gain or scour incidence. Early rumen development is enhanced due to the increased consumption of both concentrates and straw.
”Calves achieve higher dry matter intakes at an earlier age, possibly leading to two weeks earlier weaning.”
Introducing once-a-day feeding
“Under European Union (EU) law, calves must be fed TAD. The abomasum of a new-born calf is not large enough to deal with the recommended volume of milk, if it is given in one feed,” James added.
”Therefore milk should be fed TADÂ at the start and up until 28 days of age. When a calf is consuming concentrates and has developed rumen capacity, one of these daily feeds can be a dry feed in the form of calf starter pellets.”
”However, calves must [be] checked thoroughly twice daily and fed concentrate at an alternative time to milk feeding. It is important to note that only healthy calves should be transitioned to OAD feeding.
Calves are not under-fed when an OAD feeding protocol is correctly implemented; rather they receive their daily allocation of milk in one feed rather than two.
”Good quality milk replacers can be fed OAD – check the label of the bag to see what product specifications are given. Specifications and mixing rates can vary between products and it is essential to always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
”A milk replacer which contains only a relatively high level of milk-derived proteins is preferable (skim milk powder or whey protein).”
Best practice when OAD feeding
James outlined how OAD feeding should be implemented on farms: ”Calves should be provided with ad-lib access to concentrates, straw and fresh clean water at all times. Like TAD feeding, ensure all calves drink their daily allowance of milk.”
”It’s preferable to feed milk in the morning, as this will reduce disturbance and allow calves to settle down to concentrate feeding. Concentrates should also be fed at a time when milk is not being fed, such as feeding milk in the morning and concentrate in the evening.
It is important to continue to check calves twice daily in order to detect any potential health problems.
”Being consistent on feeding time, temperature of the milk fed, concentration and volume offered as well as hygiene are of the upmost importance.”