Now that calving has started on many farms around the country, the ICBF is calling on farmers to register calves that have some very specific genetic defects.
The ICBF has said that it still wants farmers to continue to report calves with any type of deformities.
ICBF has decided to target some very specific genetic defects this year in hopes of finding the causative mutation for these defects.
If you are a farmer or a vet and have a calf with any of the following defects the ICBF would like you to let them know on the online survey found here.
The specific defects the ICBF is looking for in 2016 include:
- Atresia (ani, coli, and jujeni) – also known as “Blockage” and “No back passage”;
- Cleft nostril;
- Cleft palate;
- Dwarfism;
- Photosensitization;
- Progressive Ataxia;
- Schistosoma reflux;
- Ventricular septal defect;
- Wry neck.
If you are unsure as to what some of these defects may look like if present in a calf, you can see images on the ICBF website.
The recording of defects online was introduced two years ago and while the ICBF has said that the uptake is fairly low, it began a framework that has grown into a project to identify causative mutations for some of the defects seen around Ireland.
Last year the ICBF had 12 reported cases of calves born without tails which it said was a surprise.
Most of these calves were just fine other than missing their tails, but it was an interesting anomaly which the ICBF has said begs the question, what will 2016 bring?