Semex sales manager for Northern Ireland, John Berry, is confirming that freshly-calved dairy cows are, for the most part, in good condition in the run-up to the winter breeding season.

According to Berry, “silage quality is an issue on some farms. However, farmers have increased meal feeding rates to compensate for this.

“It’s important to hit the right body condition scores at this stage so as to ensure maximum conception rates over the coming weeks.”

Berry told Agriland that the starting flag on the 2023 autumn / winter breeding season is about to be dropped.

“We are seeing an increasing number of milk producers switch to sexed semen, and thereafter, using the technology on a consistent basis,” he explained.

Sexed semen

“Sexed semen can be used with equal confidence on heifers and cows of all ages. It’s use allows farmers to secure the replacement heifers they need from a smaller number of breeding females.

“In turn, this means that more beef-bred calves can be produced within a dairy farming scenario,” Berry added.

The Semex representative confirmed the general desire on the part of milk producers to breed more robust cows.

“These animals will have a longer productive life. However, it is still possible to select for this trait while still boosting milk output and quality,” said the sales manager.

Meanwhile, the use of sexed semen has been confirmed as a key technology, which can reduce the carbon footprint of the milk sector.

Sexing is now a proven technology. Sexed straws can be used successfully on maiden heifers and older cows. In short, the technology can be used to reduce by almost 50% the number of breeding females required to meet any herd’s future replacement requirements.

Adding to the attraction of sexed semen within the Irish dairy industry is the fact that the vast majority of cows are being bred at a time of the year when optimum conception rates can be expected.

Another positive for sexed straws is the growing reliance of milk recording within the Irish dairy sector.

At a very fundamental level, this complimentary technology is helping producers to identify their best cows. The use of sexed semen on the best cows within a herd represents the most efficient way possible to secure genetic gain within any milk business.