The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, has indicated his intention to place all internal convergence during the CAP transitional period on hold.
In a statement issued to AgriLand, Minister Creed said: “There is no operational need to implement internal convergence during the transitional period to ensure its success as a measure in the new CAP programme.“
He explained: “The draft regulations for the new CAP programme outlines a continuation of the internal convergence system for member states opting to implement a payment entitlements based scheme.
Member states can set the rate of internal convergence of payment entitlements over the lifetime of the CAP, however, each payment entitlement value must reach at least 75% of the national average by 2026.
“The exact value that will be transferred between farmers is dependent on how the direct payments ceiling is divided and the level of convergence implemented.”
It is normal to have a transitional arrangement between CAP programmes and draft transitional regulations have recently been published by the EU Commission.
Continuing, the minister outlined: “These transitional regulations include an article which allows member states to continue their convergence programme, if they wish, during the transitional period.
Ireland has decided not to avail of this option during the transitional phase.
“The current CAP programme is implemented in a carefully designed and considered way in Ireland.”
Concluding, Minister Creed said: “This implementation saw the operation of convergence run from 2015 to 2019. ”There will be ample time over the seven-year CAP period to implement any level of internal convergence Ireland decides to use.”