ICMSA President John Comer has complimented Aurivo for not dropping its July milk price. The co-op paid an average price of 37c/L (inc. VAT). Its producers received the same return in June.
“Obviously, the product mix available from Aurivo allows it to get the best return from the market at the present time,” he added.
“Its performance also confirmed, yet again, that big is not always beautiful, where the dairy co-ops are concerned. I fully accept that the need for scale of operation within the international milk sector at the present time. But there is also a need for vibrant competition within the sector.”
Aurivo announced last Friday that it was holding its milk price for July, after its board met to decide the price.
A spokesperson for Aurivo confirmed that its producers will be receiving, 37.0c/L (inc. VAT), for milk supplied in July. This is the same price that was paid the previous month.
Strathroy Dairy announced late last week that it is paying wholesale suppliers 34.0c/L (plus VAT) plus a bonus of 1.0c/L for July milk. The equivalent price for winter milk suppliers is 34.0c/L (plus VAT), plus a 0.5/cL bonus and a further 1.5c/L winter milk production bonus.