Irish herds with a TB test due from tomorrow, Wednesday, July 1, onwards will not be eligible to delay their tests for 28 days due to Covid-19 issues, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has confirmed.
In a statement on the matter to AgriLand, a spokesperson from the department said:
“Throughout the Covid-19 period, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has engaged in ongoing discussions with farming and veterinary stakeholders in relation to adhering to HSE [Health Service Executive] guidance while delivering the TB eradication programme.
“As the Covid-19 situation has changed, so have the flexibilities which applied to the TB programme.
Following consultation with stakeholder organisations and reflecting the changes in the Covid-19 situation, the 28-day grace period before restriction for herds which delay their TB test due to Covid-19 issues will cease from July 1.
“Herds with a TB test due date up to [today] Tuesday, June 30, may still avail of the 28-day grace period where a Covid-19 issue delays the test; this will not be applicable to herds with a TB test due date of July 1, onwards.
“The protocol for TB testing during the Covid-19 period is available online and has been shared with stakeholder organisations,” the department spokesperson concluded.