The number of new tractors licensed in November 2021 was 131, an increase of six on the same month in 2020, and up 38 on November 2019 figures.
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) published its monthly update of vehicles licensed today (Wednesday, December 12), in which it revealed that the total number of new tractors licensed from January to November, inclusive, was 2,405.
This is an increase of 286 tractors for the same period in 2020, which saw 2,119 new tractors licensed. During the same 11-month period in 2019, 2,089 tractors were licensed.
Moving onto used (imported vehicles) tractors and the number licensed in November stood at 218. In November 2020, that figure was 303, and the year before, the number was 228.
The total number of used tractors licensed from January to November 2021 was 3,145. For the same period in 2020, the figure was 2,342; and in 2019, that number stood at 2,445.
When we look at the number of cars licensed in November 2021, we see that figure is significantly up on last year’s – 2,167 versus 1,468 – representing a 47.6% increase.
In November 2019, Irish drivers licensed 1,676 cars.
Electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) continue to grow in popularity and constitute 15.8% of all new cars licensed for the first time in the first 11 months of 2021 compared to 7.5% in the same period in 2020.
This means that, out of all new private cars, the share of new electric and PHEVs has more than doubled.
Looking exclusively at electric-only cars, the share of new electric cars licensed increased from 4.6% in the first 11 months of 2020 to 8.3% in 2021.
At the same time, the diesel fuel share of new private cars licensed is decreasing. In the first 11 months of 2021, 33.8% of all new private cars licensed were diesel, compared with 37.4% in the same period for 2020.
Of new private cars licensed in the same period, 81.4% were in the A/B CO2 emissions bands.