Under the Terms and Conditions of the new TAMS II all applications are ranked using a predetermined set of criteria.

The ranking criteria will be used when the allocated funding for grant aid is over subscribed.

Applications for aid will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria in order of priority:

  • Payments under TAMS 1 Dairy Equipment Scheme (DES), Sheep Fencing and Mobile
    Equipment Scheme (SHS) & Farm Safety scheme (FSS);
  • The proposed cost of the project by the applicant as set out in paragraph 7 of the
    application form. For this purpose applicants will be given preference where the
    proposed costs are lower than the Department’s Reference Costs;
  • Size of the holding/enterprise
  • Any part of a holding in an Area of Natural Constraint

Applications received during periods to be determined by the Minister will be assessed in accordance with the criteria laid down above. Where a valid application does not receive approval in the course of the first

Where a valid application does not receive approval in the course of the first assessment or tranche which is carried out by the Minister after the receipt of the valid application, the application will be carried forward to any subsequent assessment(s) or tranche, unless withdrawn by the applicant.

The ranking criteria for each scheme is as follows:

Young Farmer Capital Investment Scheme

  • Payments under TAMS, DES, SHS, FSS – Zero payments under DES, FSS or SHS = 27.5 marks. A reduction of 0.25 mark for every €1,000 paid under DES, FSS and or SHS (TAMS 1)
  • Cost of proposal – Cost of proposal – Maximum of 100 marks for cost 20% below reference cost or scheme ceiling. 5 marks for every 1% that total proposed cost is below the lower of total reference cost or scheme ceiling. Max marks where total proposed costs are 20% below total reference costs or scheme ceiling. Zero marks if proposed cost at or above reference cost or scheme ceiling.
  • Size of holding/enterprise, 5-50ha, 20-200 production units. <5ha = ineligible, <20 production units = ineligible. 0.5 marks per ha/0.125 of a mark per production unit.
  • ANCs –Max 5 marks for any part of the holding situated in an Area of Natural Constraint.

Dairy Equipment Scheme

  • Age of applicant (20 marks if under 40 years of age)
  • Payment under TAMS 1, DES– Zero payment under DES = 16.25 marks. A reduction of 0.25 mark for every €1000 paid under DES (TAMS 1).
  • Cost of proposal – Maximum of 100 marks for cost 20% below reference cost or scheme ceiling. 5 marks for every 1% that total proposed cost is below the lower of total reference cost or scheme ceiling. Max marks where total proposed costs are 20% below total reference costs or scheme ceiling. Zero marks if proposed cost at or above reference cost or scheme ceiling.
  • Size of holding/enterprise, 5-50ha. <5ha = ineligible 0.5 marks per ha.
  • ANCs – Max 5 marks for any part of the holding situated in an Area of Natural Constraint.

Animal Welfare Safety and Farm Nutrient Storage Scheme

  • Age of applicant (20 marks if under 40 years of age)
  • Payments under TAMS I – Zero payments under DES, SHS and or SHS = 27.5 marks. A reduction of 0.25 marks for every €1,000 under TAMS , DES, FSS and or SHS
  • Cost of proposal – Maximum of 100 marks for cost 20% below reference cost or scheme ceiling. 5 marks for every 1% that total proposed cost is below the lower of total reference cost or scheme ceiling. Max marks where total proposed costs are 20% below total reference costs or scheme ceiling. Zero marks if proposed cost at or above reference cost or scheme ceiling.
  • Size of holding/enterprise, 5-50ha, 20-200 production units. <5ha = ineligible, <20 production units = ineligible. 0.5 marks per ha/0.125 of a mark per production unit.

Organic Capital Investments Scheme

  • Age of applicant (20 marks if under 40 years of age)
  • Payments made under all previous SGA (based on holding) Max Mark = 65. A reduction of 1 mark for every €1000 paid under previous SGA
  • Cost of proposal – Maximum of 100 marks for cost 20% below reference cost or scheme ceiling. 5 marks for every 1% that total proposed cost is below the lower of total reference cost or scheme ceiling. Max marks where total proposed costs are 20% below total reference costs or scheme ceiling. Zero marks if proposed cost at or above reference cost or scheme ceiling.
  • Size of holding – sliding scale of points increasing from a minimum of 1 ha up to a maximum of 50 ha. Max marks = 25
  • ANCs – Max 5 marks for any part of the holding situated in an Area of Natural Constraint.

Priority to those in Fodder Aid Scheme and TAMS II

It is intended that farmers whose farm facilities have been damaged by the recent floods in Ireland will be prioritised for investment support under the TAMS measure of the RDP.

In tandem with the recently announced Fodder Aid Scheme it is proposed that those eligible for it who have also applied for the following TAMS Schemes will (provided they meet TAMS eligibility criteria) receive approval for grant aid under TAMS:

  • The Young Farmers Capital Investment Scheme
  • The Dairy Equipment Scheme
  • The Animal Welfare, Safety and Nutrient Storage Scheme
  • Organic Capital Investment Scheme

TAMS applications will be processed as normal, setting a financial ceiling for the tranche and taking in the highest ranked applications as per the already approved selection criteria (below), up to that financial cut –off point.

The Department says if it finds that any Fodder Scheme applicant falls outside the cut-off point, we will approve them into TAMS as well as those chosen already.

Applications for the Fodder scheme must be submitted by January 22, 2016 and to date 90 farmers have applied and of those 2 had applied for TAMS. It is anticipated that there are approximately 300 potential applicants for the scheme.