From this Friday, October 21, some 2,000 farmers are expected to participate in the Farm Hazardous Waste Collection campaign.

Over the next few weeks farmers taking part will be clearing sheds of out-of-date chemicals and other hard-to-manage wastes generated while running a farm.

The removal of these possibly dangerous materials represents a major step in improving farm safety while reducing the serious pollution risks associated with accidental spillages.

The table below gives some more detail on what types of waste can be taken at your local collection centre:


Click to enlarge

If you are planning on attending a Farm Hazardous Waste Collection point with electrical equipment, then you should take a look at what can be accepted:


Click to enlarge

Collection centres operate from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm and there will be 10 of them around the country starting with Carnew on October 21 and finishing in Navan on November 30.

What’s the cost to the farmer?


Where are the centres operating this year?


Commenting on the success of this initiative EPA’s Dara Lynott said that given the environmental and public health risk posed by these chemicals and oily wastes, it is important to provide responsible and practical disposal options for farmers.

The level of support and engagement shown by the farming community for these collection events in recent years has been most welcome.

“The pilot initiative demonstrates the need, and appetite, for a national long-term solution to safely manage these wastes.”

By the end of this year, the farm hazardous waste campaign will have operated at least once in every county in Ireland.

Since 2013, EPA has run 26 collection events and 5,000 farmers have voluntarily brought 163t of hazardous wastes (such as pesticides, veterinary medicines, paints, oil filters); 275t of waste oils; and 158t of electrical equipment and batteries.

The Farm Hazardous Waste Collection campaign is led by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) working with a cross-government partnership: Teagasc; Department of Agriculture, Food & Marine; Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment; WEEE Ireland, European Recycling Platform (ERP) and local authorities.