The national weekly beef kill at export plants is still above the 30,000 mark, figures from the Department of Agriculture show, with 30,470 animals slaughter last week (week ending September 20).
However, the week-on-week kill is back by approximately 400 head. There has also been a reduced total kill with the 2015 figure running 54,000 head behind 2014 levels.
To September 20, there has been 1.13m cattle slaughtered at export meat plants, this is down from 1.18m in 2014, the Department says.
Figures from the Department of Agriculture also show that there were 7,269 heifers slaughtered last week, which is a fall of 1,317 form the corresponding week last year, furthermore the cumulative heifer kill to date is back by 6,000 head.
The fall in heifer throughout has been matched by a fall in the number of steers coming forward, these slaughterings have fallen by 1,568, bring the total steer slaughter to date to 16,817.
Young bull slaughterings are also back on the same period in 2014, with 1,686 of these animals making their way to beef plants last week, it says.
These figures also show that the cull trade is back significantly on 2014 levels, with a 802 and 89 throughput drop for cows and older bulls respectively.
Beef factory quotes fall 5c/kg
Despite three weeks of relative beef price stability the country’s beef plants have cut the base price by 5c/kg.
Many industry sources have cited the increased numbers of cattle coming forward as the primary cause for this price cut.
The majority of beef plants are now quoting 390c/kg for base steers and 400c/kg for heifers, these prices have fallen from 395c/kg and 405c/kg respectively.
The majority of plants are now sitting at 360/kg for R grade cows, with some plants offering 350c/kg for these lots.
The plainer type dairy culls have also fallen slightly with plants quoting 340-350c/kg for the O type lots.
The poorer P type cows are making 330-335c/kg while P grade cows with flesh are making up to 340c/kg.