Teagasc is organising a key crops open day and Crops & Spraying ‘14 in Kildalton, on Thursday, July 3, 2014.
Teagasc says this is a once-off event focussing on the new Sustainable Use Directive (SUD). The directive establishes a framework for the European community in the area of the sustainable use of pesticides by setting minimum rules to reduce risks to human health and the environment from the use of pesticides.
The department has said the directive promotes the use of Integrated Pest Management, which includes alternative approaches and techniques to chemical use. The implementation of the directive aims to ensure that best practice is the norm at every level in the industry, from storage and distribution through to advice and use. Registration of properly trained individuals is a key requirement of the directive. On the day farmers have the opportunity to:
1. Learn how to prepare your sprayer for the new sprayer test (required as part of the SUD)
2. Register at the event to be a professional sprayer operator (required as part of the SUD)
Live demonstrations on the day will be designed to help you spray more effectively and efficiently
See the following demonstrations on the day:
• Efficient use of nozzles
• Tips and tricks from previous ‘Sprayer Operator of the Year’ competition winners
• New ‘greening’ rules and rotations
• Winter wheat, barley and oats disease control
• Wheat, barley and oat varieties – Dept. of Ag trials
• Fertiliser management in cereals
• Oilseed rape cultivation demonstrations
• Bean disease control
Meanwhile spring crops walks continue throughout the country with walks on in counties Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Wicklow and Offaly will take place during May.
For more information please see below link;
Note: Farmers will be accredited with 23 IASIS CPE points for attending these walks, and all are welcome.
Topics for discussion include:
- Current Teagasc disease control strategies
- Update on Teagasc nutrient trials and advice
- Management of spring cereals
- Plant disorder diagnosis
- Update on CAP reform
Growers are encouraged to bring samples to the clinics