Net subsidies accounted for 78.1% of farm incomes in the Border, Midland and Western (BMW) region in 2014, figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) show.
In 2014, net subsidies accounted for 59.6% of agricultural incomes, according to the figures.
Looking to the Southern and Eastern region, net subsidies accounted for 49.9% of farm incomes.
The figures show that the Southern and Eastern region produced 58.7% of the 2014 national cattle output while 80% of milk output came from the region also.
Staying with the Southern and Eastern region, just over 80% of national cereal output came from there.
In the BMW region, just over half (54%) of national sheep output and just under half (47.8%) of national pig output came from the region, the figures show.
The overall 2014 figure (59.6%) is 7.2% lower than the figure for 2013, when net subsidies accounted for 66.8% of farm incomes (operating surplus).
Comparing the 2013 and 2014 BMW figures there has also been a decrease. In 2013 in the BMW region, net subsidies accounted for 108.8% of agricultural income; a decrease of 30.1%.
There has also been a slight decrease in the in the Southern and Eastern region where in 2013 net subsidies accounted for 51.0% of farm incomes; a decrease of 1.1%.
An analysis of agriculture in the regions in the year 2013 showed that the Southern and Eastern region produced 62% of national cattle output.
More than 80% of milk output came from the Southern and Eastern region in 2013, the CSO figures show.
There was only a slight difference comparing 2013 and 2014 sheep and pig output figures, with just over half (54%) of national sheep output and just under half (47.3%) of national pig output came from the BMW region.