Records continue to be broken at sales this week, with spring lambs at sales in marts breaching the €200 mark on a number of occasions.
On Monday (March 29), at Kilkenny Mart, George Candler reported prices of €170, up to €211 for spring lambs.
On the same day, at Raphoe Mart, Anne Harkin reported a super trade for spring lambs at the mart’s spring lambs show and sale, which saw prices top €282/head for two 50kg lambs.
In general, prices for spring lambs weighing 33-50kg generally ranged from €120/head up to €220/head, with the three prize-winning sheep selling for €240-282/head.
On Tuesday (March 31), Tullow’s Eric Driver reported a fine trade for spring lambs, with prices reaching €214/head for 43kg lambs.
The spring lamb trade at the Carlow-based mart moved up a gear the week before, with prices on the previous Tuesday topping €190/head.
Many of the spring lambs last Tuesday at Tullow moved at €185-205/head.
Spring lambs at sales elsewhere
Not all marts saw prices breach the €200 mark, with other mart managers reporting top prices of €180-190/head during the week, while marts which had mainly lighter spring lambs saw prices top €165-170/head.
The lightest spring lambs at marts, at 32-33kg, sold back to €105-120/head.
It has been butchers who have been driving the trade for spring lambs, with mart managers telling Agriland that they have never witnessed the prices that they’re seeing for spring lambs now.