Another super trade was seen for the spring lamb trade at Tullow Mart once again this week at the mart’s weekly sale, with prices topping €214/head for 43kg.
Prices for spring lambs last week hit €190/head, however this week, the trade moved up another couple of notches, with other notable prices such as €200/head for 39kg lambs also being seen.
A very strong trade was also seen for cull ewes, with heavy lots, over 100kg, making up to €195.
Speaking about the trade on the day, Tullow Mart’s manager Eric Driver said: “We had over 2,000 sheep on offer on Tuesday (March 31), with a very lively trade overall.”
Spring lamb trade ‘set the tone’
“The spring lambs really set the tone for the day, with 40-45kg lots selling from €185/head up to a tops of €214/head for 43kg, with the majority selling from €185/head to €205/head,” Eric added.
“Having said that, a pen of 39kg springs, for me, sold for the best price on the day at €200/head.
“Onto the hoggets – heavy hoggets over 48kg sold from €165/head up to a high of €180/head.
“The differential in prices for these types was purely down to the quality that was on show.
“Store hoggets from 40-44kg sold from €138/head up to €150/head, with some ewe hoggets – that were suitable for breeding – in the same weight bracket, making up to €163/head.
“Lighter store hoggets, sold from a base of €120/head upwards.
“Cast ewes – up, up, up is all you could say. The tops of the heavy ewes reached €195, with 100-120kg ewes making from €150 up to €180.
“There was also a good trade for the feeding ewes, with these types selling for €30-40 with the kilo, with more aged ewes selling for €20 with the kilo.
“Aged ewes with single lambs sold from €140/unit up to €220/unit for two and three-year-old ewes with strong lambs of three to four weeks-of-age.
Aged ewes with twin lambs at foot sold from €180/unit up to €320/unit, with a very active trade for ewes and lambs overall.”
Special entry of ewe hoggets next week
Eric added that next week, in conjunction with the mart’s weekly sale, there will be a special entry of 150 Belclare-cross ewe hoggets, that are very suitable for breeding, up for grabs.