The sheep trade is starting the week on a largely steady note, with little movement in prices for hoggets to report.
Only one factory, a western-based plant, has upped its base quote for hoggets compared to this time last week, while up to 10c/kg more is being secured at the top end of the market, but largely factories aren’t in a rush lift prices.
Kildare Chilling and Irish Country Meats (ICM) on the other hand remain on the same base price as last week.
Kildare Chilling is quoting €6.10/kg plus a 10c/kg quality assurance (QA) bonus for hoggets up to 22.5kg.
ICM is on a base of €5.95/kg plus a 20c/kg QA bonus for hoggets up to 23kg.
This is leaving base quotes for hoggets at €5.95/kg up to €6.10/kg up to a carcass weight of 22.5-23kg depending on what factory you are supplying to.
QA hoggets are moving at prices ranging from €6.20-6.25/kg.
Top prices are ranging from €6.25-6.40/kg with larger lots and specialist producers topping out at €6.50/kg.
The live trade for ewes has picked up of late and those trading ewes at the top end of the market in factories appear to be securing a few extra cents per kilo.
Top reported are reaching €3.60/kg, with base prices remaining static at €3.00-3.10/kg across meat processing plants.