The number of sheep on offer in marts has increased in recent days as marts report bigger numbers of lambs passing through the ring.
But, despite the increase in numbers, lambs are meeting a similar trade to last week with the majority selling from €2.05-2.20/kg.
According to Mart Manager of Raphoe Mart, Anne Harkin, there was a good entry of lambs on offer in the Donegal venue on Monday, with farmers paying a top price of €127 for ewe lambs.
She said that heavy lambs sold from €1.98-2.21/kg while the store lambs on offer traded from €67-84/head. She also said that light ewe lambs met a lively trade with the majority trading from €2.21-2.46/kg.
There was a good entry of hogget ewes up for grabs, she said, and these lots sold from €120-173/head and the cast ewes on offer sold from €50-113/head.
Kilkenny Mart
There was a bigger sale of sheep in Kilkenny Mart, Cillin Hill on Monday, according to the Mart Auctioneer George Candler.
Candler said that 1,450 sheep passed through the ring and the trade remained firm for quality lots with lamb prices peaking at €126/head and cull ewes selling for a top price of €102 each.
Butcher lambs met a similar trade to last week with the majority on offer selling from €2.05-2.16/kg and the factory lots trading at €2.00-2.11/kg, while the lighter store lambs sold at €2.05-2.15/kg.
Breeding hoggets and Charollais rams were also on offer on the day with the former selling from €135-190/head, while the Charollais rams on offer traded from €300-660 each.
Mountbellew Mart seen a very big turnout of sheep on Saturday, according to the Mart Manager Shirley Keating.
Keating said that prices very holding firm for all lots with lambs and cast ewes meeting a very steady trade. Ewe lambs sold from €90-128/head and the store lambs on offer sold from €70-95/head.
The Mart Manager also said that breeding and hogget ewes met with increased demand as farmers were very active for all lots.
Hogget ewes sold from €150-202, while the breeding ewes sold from €100-190/head depending on age and quality, while stag ewes ranged in price from €60-95/head.
Mountbellew Mart