MEPs on the EU’s Environment Committee want a reduction in pesticide use to become part of the the future of the CAP.
Earlier this week, the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee approved a resolution highlighting weaknesses in the EU Pollinator Initiative that render it inadequate to address the main causes of pollinators’ decline in Europe.
The committee proposed that a reduction in the use of pesticides be set as a ‘common indicator’ to evaluate how effective national measures are in protecting bees and other pollinators.
The committee’s vote approves a text which states that the EU Pollinators Initiative is inadequate to protect bees and other pollinators from land-use changes, loss of habitat, intensive farming, climate change and invasive alien species.
The committee has also stated that more funds to support research into the causes of bee decline to protect the diversity of pollinator species is needed. The committee added that indicators of colony vitality should also be developed to measure if implemented actions have been successful.
Neonicotinoids banned
Neonicotinoids were banned for outdoor use in April 2018. Some member states implemented derogations. It should be noted that Ireland did not. The products were used as insecticides and the seed dressing Redigo Deter played a huge role in the control of barley yellow dwarf virus in this country.
The Commission presented its Communication on the EU Pollinators Initiative on 1 June 2018.