The latest data from the Department of Agriculture’s beef kill database shows that some 15,065 head of cattle were slaughtered last week – a fall of 14,073 head or just over 48% when compared to the previous week.

During the week previous – the week when the Beef Plan Movement started its protest at factory gates – the beef kill dropped by 5,898 head or just under 17%.

While last Monday, August 5, was a bank holiday, much of this decrease can be attributed to the picket lines set up at factory gates by the Beef Plan Movement.

For now, the Beef Plan Movement has suspended its nationwide rally outside meat factories – pending the outcome of high-anticipated talks in Backweston on Monday, August 12.

Since the ‘ceasefire’ was agreed upon, beef processors are anxious for stock, with some slaughtering cattle on Saturday, August 17.



Last week, the number of young bulls slaughtered fell by 1,780 head, while the number of aged bulls decreased by 364 head.

The number of steers presented for slaughter decreased by 5,554 head on the previous week. Cow numbers fell by 2,872 head and the number of heifers slaughtered dropped by 3,610 head.

Week-on-week beef kill changes (week ending August 11):
  • Young bulls: 1,473 head (-1,780 head or -54%);
  • Bulls: 410 head (-364 head or -36%);
  • Steers: 6,184 head (-5,554 head or -47%);
  • Cows: 2,736 head (-2,872 head or -51%);
  • Heifers: 4,239 head (-1,482 head or -45%);
  • Total: 15,065 head (-14,073 head or +48%).

Protests on hold

The Beef Plan Movement is to consult with its members on the outcome of talks carried out with key stakeholders in the beef sector.

In the meantime, AgriLand understands, the movement is holding off on resuming its protests outside meat factories around the country, while talks continue.

The farmer representative organisation paid tribute to the work behind the scenes of volunteers throughout the proceedings of recent days and weeks.

The first round of talks between Meat Industry Ireland (MII), the Beef Plan Movement, farm organisations and state agencies concluded in the early hours of this morning, Tuesday, August 13, following more than 12 hours of discussions.

MII has taken the proposals made at last night’s exchange and will reflect on a number of the issues raised with its members.

A decision will be made by processors to accept or refuse the tabled resolutions; if accepted, a second meeting will be called for next week – however, if rejected, the meeting could be held this Thursday, August 15.