Applications are now being accepted for the John Feely Scholarship – with €1,500 scholarships available this year for four agricultural students.
In a statement on the matter today (Monday, September 20), the John Feely Foundation announced that applications are now being accepted for the four scholarships awarded by the group each year.
A sum of €1,500 each is awarded to four students in Year One of an agricultural course at one of the following agricultural colleges: Clonakilty; Kildalton; Pallaskenry; Gurteen; Mountbellew; Ballyhaise; or studying an agriculture related course in another third Llvel institution.
Applications can be made by any member of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA) who must supply their own name, phone and membership number while nominating the student, as well as providing the student’s home address, the course the student is engaged upon, and the institution the student is attending.
Applications can either be emailed to [email protected] or posted to John Feely Scholarships, ICMSA, John Feely House, Dublin Road, Limerick, V94 KX38, to be received no later than Friday October 29.
The successful students will be selected by supervised draw and will be notified before the end of 2021.
According to the ICMSA, the John Feely Foundation was established to commemorate the memory of the former president of the organisation of the same name.
The objective of the foundation is to provide financial support to individuals who intend to choose farming as a career or who wish to further their education as a farmer.