Figures from CEETAR – the umbrella body for agricultural contracting associations across Europe – indicate that Irish contractors are harvesting 20 million tonnes of grass silage each year.
It is estimated that they harvest 80% out of a total of 25 million tonnes of grass silage made by Irish farmers annually.
CEETAR – the European Confederation of Agricultural, Rural and Forestry Contractors – was established in 1961; it encompasses about 150,000 companies and nearly 600,000 workers. Its aim is to represent the interests of land-based contractors in Europe.
Here in Ireland, FCI (The Association of Farm & Forestry Contractors in Ireland) is part of CEETAR.
The European umbrella body also cited some other noteworthy figures, stating that, in France, over 65% of farms specialising in arable crops and over 75% of livestock farms make use of contractors. There, contractors harvest over 250,000ha of sugar beet each year.
In Germany, agricultural contractors harvest approximately 90% of the maize that is grown there; maize is a very significant crop in Germany. For grain maize alone, this is equivalent to 1.35 million hectares or 54 million tonnes.
In Italy, contractors undertake tillage operations across an area that stretches over 1 million hectares. Harvesting of arable crops and vegetables is undertaken across an area that equates to 2.5 million hectares.
According to an internal CEETAR study, agricultural and forestry contractors across Europe invest close to €6 billion in their businesses each year.