In a recent circular sent to GLAS advisors the Department of Agriculture detailed the actions which will be payable in 2015 under the new scheme.
It said for applications that are given an approval date of October 1, 2015, the following actions, are payable for the period October 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 and will then receive payment for the five-year period January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020.
- Breeding Waders
- Chough
- Corncrake
- Geese and Swans
- Hen Harrier
- Twite A
- Commonage
- Farmland Habitat (Private Natura)
- Low Input Permanent Pasture
- Traditional Hay Meadow
- Traditional Dry Stone Wall Maintenance
The Department has said that all other approved actions, listed below, are payable for the five-year period January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020.
It says with regard to the Rare Breeds and Low-Emission Slurry Spreading actions, payment for these will be made subject to appropriate documentation being submitted when requested.
Payment will be made in arrears (i.e. approved payment for 2016 will be included in 2017 payment). The 2020 payment will be made separately in 2021.
The Department also said in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the GLAS scheme, payments will be calculated annually on the basis of qualifying actions delivered for the year in question.
The second tranche of GLAS is expected to open for applications in early October, 2015, according to the Department of Agriculture.
The Department is currently ranking and validating the applications of some 26,000 farmers who applied to GLAS Tranche I before the May 26 deadline.