“From broadband to broadleaf”, Virgin Media Ireland’s initiative will see 50,000 trees planted.

The broadband, cable and television group has today (Friday, December 11), announced its commitment to climate action by starting the planting of these trees, which is expected to be completed early next year.

It has partnered with forest management experts VEON to help boost the national planting of trees.

This is part of an action programme in which Virgin Media has committed to achieving the Low Carbon Pledge with Business in the Community Ireland, aiming for a further 50% reduction in its carbon footprint by 2030.

Its sustainability action programme includes a 100% switch to renewable energy, together with deploying solar energy panels across key technical hubs; more energy efficient consumer hardware; improved data centre cooling systems; and the commencement of electrification of the company’s vehicle fleet.

Other areas include gradually removing non-eco consumables from the supply chain and to continue to offer products and experiences that use less power, reduce emissions, and cut down on waste.

Over 50,000 native broadleaf trees will be planted

Over 50,000 native broadleaf trees will now be planted, creating new native woodlands in counties Sligo and Leitrim, with further projects planned in 2021.

This initiative is designed to replace coniferous forests and to replant with a richer, more diverse forest, thereby increasing broadleaf tree cover in Ireland with species such as oak, alder, birch and rowan.

Welcoming the initiative, Minister of State with responsibility for land use and biodiversity Pippa Hackett said:

“This is a great initiative – trees are a precious natural asset, and woodlands and forests will play an important role in Ireland’s efforts to hit net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

“Native woodlands also have a key role to play in habitats and biodiversity support.”

‘Supporting farmers and landowners who invest in tree-planting’

Tony Hanway, CEO of Virgin Media said: “We all know urgent action is needed to tackle climate change. Virgin Media has already made great progress and now we’re accelerating our initiatives to contribute directly to Ireland’s climate action targets.

“Today’s forestry announcement will deliver a reduction of approximately 12,000t of CO2 over the lifetime of the forest with additional projects planned in 2021.”

Joe Codd, director of business development at VEON said:

Supporting farmers and landowners who decide to invest in tree-planting will help support climate action through nature-based solutions.

“By planting more native trees and creating new native woodland, forest owners also provide a range of other ecosystem benefits such as preventing flood risk, soil conservation, protecting wildlife and boosting biodiversity.”