Strong farmer demand for store cattle has been cited for increased mart prices this week.
Tullow Livestock Sales reported a lively trade across all lots last Friday. The store trade continued to remain buoyant.
Mart manager Eric Driver said that increased demand from farm buyers is the main factor for the high price paid for stores with prices up €20-30/head.
Lighter type stores are currently a blazing trade and are meeting strong demand, he said.
“The strong demand from farmers has also reduced the amount of cattle that exporters are sourcing.”
“The exporters are buying the top quality E grade lots while farmers are driving the trade for the U grade and R grade stores.”
However, Driver added that if the store cattle trade continues this way there will be a lot of farm customers stung if the price drops later in the year.
Beef type animals have also increased, added Driver. There was strong demand from factory and butcher buyers for beef heifers with top quality lots making €1,000 over their weight.
Cull cow price also remained strong and were consistently making €2/kg. One cull cow weighing 920kg sold for €2,020. Extreme store type Holstein cows made in the region of €200/over.
Roscommon mart celebrated their 56 year in business on Friday. Trade was significantly up on last year with a good clearance of lots.
The strong sterling had an impact on the demand for forward steers and heifers. Northern Irish and UK buyers were seen to great extent around the ring.
Store cattle were also in exceptional demand, with top quality lots clearing for €3.09-3.55/kg while the plainer types sold for €2.59-2.64/kg.
Forward steers sold for €625-1,820 over while heifers sold from €735-1,270 over.
Cull cows also remained in strong demand in the midlands venue. They cleared from €2-2.47/kg with the hammer falling at €2,175 for a 885kg cow which was the top lot.
Carnew reported a similar trade to last week with strong demand for the 670 cattle on offer. Beef and forward bullocks sold for €750-1,150 over while lighter store type bullocks sold for €2.38-3.50/kg.
Weaning demand was also strong at the Wicklow venue with weaning bulls selling from €2.50-3.38/kg.
There was also a selection of cows and calves on offer with the hammer falling from €1,200-1,800.