As part of the process of introducing a National Fertiliser Database, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) convened the first meeting of its Stakeholder Consultative Committee this week (Wednesday, April 13).
The committee consists of representatives from the fertiliser industry, fertiliser retailers, agricultural contractors, farm organisations, Teagasc and the Agricultural Consultants Association (ACA).
It will meet over the coming months as the department works to establish a National Fertiliser Database.
Fertiliser database
The DAFM has said that the establishment of the fertiliser database will be critical to facilitating timely farmer payments under Ireland’s proposed eco-scheme.
The department adds that it will also allow Ireland to meet its commitments to the European Commission arising from the recent review of the Nitrates Action Programme and the extension of Ireland’s Nitrates Derogation.
In addition, the proposed database will provide reliable data back to farmers which they can then use to qualify for possible voluntary industry sustainability initiatives that will reward farmer actions e.g., in relation to the use of lime or the use of protected urea, rather than alternative forms of chemical nitrogen (N).
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue said: “In establishing this stakeholder committee, my department’s objective is to facilitate communication with the relevant stakeholders, to allow us keep them informed, but more importantly to obtain and respond to their views and suggestions as we develop a practical system for data gathering and sharing.
“The proposed legislation sets out high level provisions, however, it leaves scope for us to tailor these and I am seeking to identify how this will best work in a simple manner for all the stakeholders involved.
“I would like to personally thank all those who have agreed to participate in the consultative committee. I very much appreciate their constructive input.”
The National Fertiliser Database is due to come into effect from the start of next year (2023) to facilitate Ireland’s proposed eco-scheme.
It will record fertiliser sales and allow farmers account for closing stock on-farm at the end of the fertiliser spreading season. It will also allow farmers view their own fertiliser data on the department’s online portal
The proposed legislation required to underpin the database is expected to be finalised by the end of this year.
Details of database
The proposed National Fertiliser Database will record fertiliser sales.
Allowing farmers declare closing stock at the end of the spreading season will allow farmers to accurately and easily record their overall fertiliser use during the year.
Information on the database will primarily be entered by fertiliser retailers. However, farmers will have the option to view and download their data if they wish.
The DAFM said that establishing the database will be critical to minimising the reporting burden on farmers who choose to participate in the proposed eco-scheme actions relating to fertiliser or the use of lime.
The database will also reduce the existing reporting burden for farmers availing of the Nitrates Derogation, while also ensuring a level playing field for all farmers, according to the department.
Department officials have confirmed that there will be no farmer training or machinery calibration/registration requirements associated with the proposed National Fertiliser Database.