The representative body for farmers and cooperatives in Europe, Copa Cogeca, has said it will not support single-use packaging restrictions on the fruit and vegetable sector, without evidence that it benefits the environment.

This comes after the Environment Committee of the European Commission, adopted a report by member of the European Parliament, Frederique Ries (Renew, BE) .

The committee failed to provide necessary clarification from the report and left confusion for areas of the farming sector on the packaging and packaging waste regulation, according to Copa.

Members of Copa Cogeca are dissatisfied that the restrictions exist, even though concerns were reportedly raised by environment committee MEPs in the vote.

Copa Cogeca food safety

Copa also acknowledged the efforts to safeguard free movement and realistic targets for minimum recycled content in plastic packaging.

Improvements were acknowledged on the restrictions on packaging formats, insofar as the olive oil, dairy and fruit and vegetables sectors are concerned as compared to the commission proposal.

Copa Cogeca also welcomed a reprieve for the wine sector, that Environment Committee MEPs voted to exclude from reuse targets.

The representative body said it regretted the inclusion of the spirits sector in reuse targets, and for flowers and ornamental plants.

Arbitrary distinctions were made between packaging and non-packaging, which makes the wording of Annex remain unsatisfactory, according to Copa.

It said that it is necessary that the perspectives of farmers and agriculture cooperatives are taken into consideration by MEPS as well.

“European farmers and agri-cooperatives need an enabling regulatory environment that expedites their transition to a circular economy in relation to packaging and packaging waste, not arbitrary restrictions,” Copa Cogeca stated.