With water charges in the news constantly in recent months, many farmers might be interested to learn how much water there stock consume every day.

According to Teagasc, livestock can survive for a period of time without food but they will not survive without water.

It says with a cold winter forecast by some, farmers should not leave animals without water for more than 24 hours.

Teagasc notes that animals on high concentrate diets should never be left without clean drinking water. Until Irish Water releases final details of how much water charges will be, here’s an estimation of how much water your livestock consume.

water consumption


Teagasc highlights that a good water supply is extremely important for production, health and welfare of livestock. It stresses that on farm the water supply system must be good enough to supply adequate water needs in of the farm

It says on most farms the water system consists of a series of expansions or additions carried out over the years as requirements changed.

Teagasc says that often it is only when the system fails to cope, such as during a dry summer, do people realise how marginal their system has become.

According to Teagasc a fact often overlooked, is that improving water supply can result in an increase in performance.

Its research has shown a dairy cow can be satisfied long before she is full, so if the water is slow to come through to the trough, she may be quite contented, but milk yield can suffer by over 20%.

Teagasc cites common problems on most farms centre on inadequacies in areas such as, water source, pumping plant, pipe sizes, ballcocks and troughs.