Biocelā€™s Paul Kirwan has told AgriLand that the Cork-based company will grow its business turnover substantially over the coming years.

His projections are based on the fact that Irish dairy cow numbers will increase substantially over the coming years, plus the fact that local dairy farmers are fully aware of the need to use high quality hygiene products and teat sprays.

He continued:Ā ā€œGetting to grips with issues such as Total Bacterial Count (TBC) and Somatic Cell Count (SCC) levels in milk are just so important. Increasingly, dairy processers will pay larger bonuses for milk with low TBC and SCC figures. And, conversely they will impose larger price penalties for milk that does not meet the hygienic standards they require.

ā€œThe Irish dairy industry can look forward to an extremely bright future. But it is only those farmers who concentrate on producing high quality milk, who will reap the full rewards.ā€

Biocel Ltd was founded by Dr Karl McCarthy in 1966. It is among Irelandā€™s foremost manufacturers and suppliers of high quality, specialist chemical formulations Ā The company has developed biochemical and chemical process aids and additives for a variety of Irish industries, including brewing & beverage, dairying, food production, laundering, construction, water treatment, pharmaceutical and the public sector.

ā€œAgriculture is a crucially important sector for Biocel,ā€ Kirwan commented.

ā€œWe have continuously approached all our markets with the aim of improving the quality of products and services already available within these sectors.

ā€œIt goes without saying that dairy farmers need access to high quality detergents, teat sprays plus a range of other hygiene-related chemicals. Ongoing research and development has always been a hallmark of the Biocel approach to business. Specifically, within the dairy sector, this work has led to the development of our highly acclaimed Duo-Cel teat dip.

ā€œIt is a lactic acid based product, which can be used both pre and post milking. Duo-Cel Ā also contains high levels of emollients. As a consequence, it should be used in those situations when sore and chapped teats can be a problem.ā€

Kirwan concluded:Ā ā€œDuo-Cel was brought to the market on the back of extensive farm trials here in Ireland. This work highlighted the relevance of the product to the conditions under which Irish milk producers find themselves working in. For example, chapped teats can become a major problem for dairy farmers at this time of the year with freshly calved cows having to cope with inclement weather and, in particular, widely fluctuating temperatures.ā€