Applications for the role of chairperson with Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, must be submitted within three weeks.
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine today invited people to apply to become the new chair of Bord Bia.
Expressions of interest from “outstanding individuals” for this post – to provide “innovative strategic leadership and direction to ensure the continuing growth of Ireland’s most important indigenous sector” – are now being welcomed by the Minister of Agriculture, Michael Creed.
The position is for a period of three years and requires extensive knowledge and appreciation of the Irish agriculture, food, drink and horticulture industry, according to the department.
In order to be eligible, applicants must demonstrate evidence of: leadership; capability; communication skills; industry knowledge; as well as personal integrity and a focus on governance.
Prospective applicants must have significant senior management experience – at CEO, managing director or chair level – at a “fast moving and results-oriented organisation of significant scale in the agriculture, food, drink or horticulture business”.
Another key requirement of the role is an understanding of the complexity of the sector, with extensive experience of multi-faceted stakeholder engagement and how the agri-food industry works.
Previous experience of public speaking and delivering presentations is also required, alongside excellent communication skills – both written and oral.
The closing date for the receipt of applications has been set as 3:00pm on Friday, December 15, 2017. The appointment will be made by Minister Creed.