Some 55% of consumers have said that where their food comes from when they’re eating out is important to them.
This was one of the findings of Bord Bia’s Quick Service and Food-to-Go Insights Report.
The report found that transparency is still very much on trend and it covers everything from provenance of ingredients, food integrity and sustainable supply chains, to fresher and better quality food offerings and healthier options on the menu.
Those aged 25 to 44 are most concerned with transparency.
A further 62% of consumers believe it is important to support restaurants that are supporting local operators (farmers, suppliers and so forth).
More than half of consumers are looking for menus using fresh ingredients when they are eating out while ingredients related to artisan and craft items are gaining attention also.
Some 48% of consumers frequently make special requests to customise menu items.
Convenience and customisation are key factors that today’s millennial generation are looking for when eating out and restaurants responding to these demands are winning market share, according to the report.
According to Bord Bia’s Foodservice Specialist, Maureen Gahan, consumer culture is evolving, with new demands being placed on restaurant operators.
“According to our survey, fast service, fair price and transparency are the three of the most important characteristics for diners,” she said.
The foodservice market, which covers all food consumed out of home, from restaurants, hotels, coffee shops and bars to workplace catering, hospitals, education and vending, is currently valued at €6.37 billion, compared to €6.13 billion in 2014, and is forecasted to reach €6.9 billion by 2018.