Up to 5,ooo beef farmers are expected to attend Beef 2014 next week at Teagasc Grange, Co. Meath, according to Dr Eddie O’Riordan.
The event, which takes place on Wednesday, June 18, aims to inform beef producers on those matters they can actively address within the confines of their farms so as to improve the overall efficiency of their businesses.
“Beef 2014 will provide those in attendance with detailed practical advice, reflecting the latest research thinking on a wide range of beef production systems. We want producers to come away from the event with a range of ideas that will help improve the sustainability of their businesses,” he said,
On arrival at Grange visitors will be presented with six specific information points, covering the following issues: beef from the suckler herd; beef from the dairy herd; exploiting genetics; performance from grass; compact calving and herd health.
“Producers will then be asked to select from a range of technology villages, which will provide the latest advice and research-backed information on the widest range of issues, all impacting on the performance of Irish beef farms.
“These include: feeding cattle, herd health, beef systems, animal breeding technologies, beef marketing, exploiting grass and farm safety.
“The beef marketing village will allow visitors to interact with representatives from Bord Bía and the meat processers. Our Farmers’ Forum will give visitors an opportunity to discuss the issues they are currently facing up to on their own farms with colleagues involved with the Better Farms Programme.”
He went on to say that farmers cannot control the marketplace and the price they receive for their cattle, however, individual producers can do a lot at a practical level to improve the sustainability of their farming businesses.
“Beef 2014 has been structured so as to ensure that every producer attending the event will come away with the new ideas they require to help secure the long-term sustainability of their farms.”
Eddie O’Roirdan also pointed out that buses are being organised to facilitate groups of farmers wishing to attend Grange on June 18. To find out more about this, producers should contact their local Teagasc office.