Preparations for the FTMTA’s Grass & Muck, which takes place in two weeks time, are well underway, according to organisers, with over 100 exhibitors stands booked in to-date.
Grass conditions at the site, in common with much of the country, are good with strong growth in recent weeks, according to Gary Ryan, FTMTA Chief Executive. FTMTA Grass & Muck 2014 will be the major farm machinery event in Ireland in 2014 and is organised by the trade association of the farm machinery industry.
The event takes place at Gurteen Agricultural College, Ballingarry, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary (near Birr) on Wednesday, May 14 and over 110 exhibitors have booked space at the event. Approximately 40 of these firms will be active in one or other of the demonstration areas also. Demonstrations of various types and brands of silage making equipment will be conducted by 27 firms on 75 acres of grass with a number of loader brands demonstrating at the silage pit. There will also be a number of exhibitors demonstrating a variety of slurry and dung spreading equipment on maize stubble and grass ground with a number of other firms demonstrating reseeding equipment on a plot of tilled ground.
The working demonstration plots will give farmers and contractors the best opportunity to assess the machines in action. This is an opportunity to see a wide range of the latest technologies in silage and grass management machinery in operation in Ireland.
Gurteen is accessed from the N52 between Birr and Nenagh. Ample free parking will be provided adjacent to the site. The exhibition field will open to the public at 9am which is slightly earlier than in the past and the event will conclude at 5pm.