No more chemical fertiliser costs for Limerick beef farm
Colm Cussen is a beef farmer from Broadford, Co. Limerick, who breeds and sells pedigree Simmental heifers and bulls.
Aside from farming, Colm is the managing director of his company, ABS Engineering Control Systems Ltd. in Co. Limerick, where ABS designs and installs building management systems for new and existing buildings.
Supporting cattle growth with excellent nutrition is essential to produce high-quality animals on Colm’s farm. For this, Colm works to take advantage of Ireland’s temperate climate and excellent grass growth to keep feed costs low.
However, when chemical fertiliser costs began to rise, it became expensive to keep grass growth plentiful.
As an alternative to chemical fertilisers, the Limerick man decided to enquire about Supersoil, a 100% organic fertiliser.