Factories have moved to pull prices for lambs this week, with base prices now topping the €7.50c/kg mark – back 30c/kg on this time last week.
Factories moved to ease prcies late last week by 10c/kg and word spread over the weekend that further price cuts were on the horizon for the start of this week.
Kildare Chilling was the only factory to go on record with a quote yesterday (Monday, May 31) for lambs and ewes.
Since the start of last week, Kildare Chilling has moved to drop its base price for lambs by 30c/kg to €7.50/kg yesterday (Monday 31).
In terms of hoggets, Kildare Chilling said they are “out of favour” and, therefore, not offering a price.
Looking at other meat processing plants, both Irish Country Meats (ICM) and Kepak Athleague, when contacted, said they weren’t quoting.
Despite lowering base prices, top prices for spring lambs at the top end of the market continue to range from €7.80-7.90/kg, reportedly.
Factory agents were more cautious in their approach at sales yesterday, with prices well back at some marts for factory-fit sheep.
While processors are saying a “good glut of lambs coming through the system” is part of the reason behind the easing in prices.
Factories appetite for hoggets seems to lessening with numbers being handled getting very small.
The ewe trade seems to be holding, with prices of €3.20-3.50/kg still being secured.
‘Factories once again back to their old tricks’
To get a bit more insght into the trade, Agriland spoke to Sean McNamara, the sheep chairperson of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers Association (ICSA).
He said: “Lamb prices are well back this week and there’s no need for it at all.
“Lambs are still not plentiful I think anyway and it’s factories once again back to their old tricks.
“Top prices are still hovering around €7.80-7.90/kg, but factories are doing their best to get lambs a lot cheaper than that.
“The ewe trade is relatively unchanged, with €3.40-3.50/kg still being got at the top end of the market.”
- Kildare Chilling: 750c/kg + 10c/kg QA – up to 20.5kg (Monday quote);
- ICM: No quote;
- Kepak Athleague: No quote.
- ICM: No quote;
- Kepak Athleague: No quote.
- Kildare Chilling: 320c/kg + 10c/kg QA (Monday quote);
- ICM: No quote;
- Kepak Athleague: No quote.